La Habra Counceling
Top Rated Rehab Facility
La Habra, CA Addiction Treatment
Rehab Facility Address |
Mailing Address |
401 Ste. A South Palm Street La Habra CA California, 90631 |
Same Mailing Address.
Treatment & Rehab Services Offered |
- Halfway house
- Men
- Hospital inpatient
- Mix of mental health and substance abuse services
- Partial hospitalization/day treatment
- Criminal justice clients
- Women
- Residential short-term treatment
- Gays and Lesbians
- ASL or other assistance for hearing impaired
- Private health insurance
- Detoxification
- Medicare
- Mental health services
- Adolescents
- Persons with HIV/AIDS
- Residential beds for client's children
- DUI/DWI offenders
- Spanish
- Methadone detoxification
- Seniors/older adults
- Substance abuse treatment
- Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders
- Outpatient
- Residential long-term treatment
- State financed insurance
- Pregnant/postpartum women
- Military insurance
- Medicaid
- General health services
- Sliding fee scale
- Methadone maintenance
- Self payment
- Payment assistance
- Substance abuse treatment services
Counseling is going to play an important role in helping you overcome your addiction. There are different types of addiction recovery needs that might suit you. The La Habra Counceling facility located in La Habra California is designed to provide you with a wide variety of different types of rehab solutions so that you can find the right solution for the specific needs that you have. It is important that you get the right help when you are overcoming your addiction so choose wisely when selecting a rehab solution for yr substance abuse issue.