Alcohol & Drug Addiction El Monte

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Top Rated Rehab Facility

Addiction Hotline: 619-754-9833

Rehab Facility Address Mailing Address
225 Madison Avenue
Ste. 102
El Cajon CA California, 92021
225 Madison Avenue
Ste. 102
El Cajon CA California, 92021

Languages: English, Null
Treatment & Rehab Services Offered
  • Mix of mental health and substance abuse services
  • Methadone maintenance
  • Medicaid
  • Mental health services
  • ASL or other assistance for hearing impaired
  • General health services
  • Hospital inpatient
  • Halfway house
  • Residential short-term treatment
  • Private health insurance
  • Methadone detoxification
  • Gays and Lesbians
  • Adolescents
  • Pregnant/postpartum women
  • Partial hospitalization/day treatment
  • State financed insurance
  • Residential beds for client's children
  • Military insurance
  • Medicare
  • Detoxification
  • DUI/DWI offenders
  • Criminal justice clients
  • Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders
  • Women
  • Payment assistance
  • Self payment
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Residential long-term treatment
  • Seniors/older adults
  • Substance abuse treatment services
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Outpatient
  • Men
  • Persons with HIV/AIDS

Free 24 Hour Support and Placement Assistance - 800-839-1663

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    Addicted In El Cajon 13 years ago

    OK, I'll admit it. I was given the "choice" of getting help for my prescription drug abuse problem or losing my job. So, I called Alcohol and Drug addiction El Monte (the facility recommended by my Employee Assistance Program) at 619-754-9833, and asked when I could start treatment, hoping they would say it would be a while, and I'd have an excuse to put it off for a while longer.

    Did I really think I was going to get that "lucky"? No. Instead, they said for me to come on down immediately, as soon as I could leave work, in fact, so, of course when I told my supervisor, he said to go right then. So, I went to 225 E Madison Avenue, Ste. 102, in El Cajon, which, thankfully, is close to my job.

    Treatment literally started that day, and I'm glad it did. I knew I had a problem, but I didn't realize how serious it was until Alcohol and drug addiction El Monte made me aware of it. Now, I'm recovering and have returned to my job, which I'm no longer in danger of losing.

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    Bonnie 13 years ago

    I work in the Human Resources Department of a local El Cajon business. My job is to help employees who have problems with addiction, or family members with addiction problems, to get in touch with places that can help. I provide them with information on Alcohol and Drug Addiction El Monte, located at 225 E Madison Avenue, Ste. 102, in El Cajon.

    I have heard from employees about the success of the addiction treatment programs at Alcohol and Drug Addiction El Monte. The one thing they mention most often is the care and compassion shown to them and their family members by the staff there.

    I also like the fact that each time I or one of the employees calls Alcohol and Drug Addiction El Monte (the phone number by the way is (619) 754-9833), they get immediate help. This makes it easier on everyone involved, right from the beginning.

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    Danny 13 years ago

    When I as a physician recommend alcohol or drug addiction treatment, for many of my patients, the thought of how they will be perceived at an alcohol and drug addiction center is often one reason they avoid seeking treatment for as long as possible. They may worry that they'll be seen as "weak" or a "loser" because they couldn't handle their problems on their own.

    This is not the case with Alcohol and Drug Addiction El Monte, located in El Cajon. The staff and counselors are highly trained in the area of addiction in which they work.

    Each person working at Alcohol and Drug Addiction El Monte is aware that there are differences between alcohol and drug addictions, even though some treatment methods are very similar. Even with this, though, there is not a "one-treatment-fits-all" approach to a client's care, and they never convey any sort of negative attitude. Clients are treated with dignity and respect during the entire treatment process.

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    Marsha G 13 years ago

    Drug addiction rules your life and can prevent you from enjoying what you used to. I woke up one day and realized I wanted my life back and Alcohol & Drug Addiction El Monte in El Cajon, California helped me to get there. Through drug detox and rehab I was able to overcome my addiction and finally move on with my life. I am now a year sober and could not be happier. Alcohol rehab and drug rehab centers can go a long way in helping you overcome whatever addiction is plaguing your life.

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