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Essense 12-Step Recovery
Scores of people in California need help for substance abuse and if you're among the countless adults dependent on drugs or alcohol, obtaining treatment from Essense 12-Step Recovery can result in life-long abstinence. Essence 12-Step Recovery is a drug and alcohol rehab center for chemically dependent adults 18 and older.
Essense 12-Step Recovery substance abuse program provides holistic treatment in an outpatient home-like setting and includes a wide range of evidence based therapeutic treatments along with twelve step work and meeting participation.
The experienced and compassionate professional staff at Essense 12-Step Recovery offers chemically dependent men and women the help, encouragement and hope they need to achieve a healthy substance free lifestyle.
Substance abuse treatment can be obtained at Essense 12-Step Recovery for all alcohol use disorders, prescription drug dependence and illicit drug addiction so if you need help, they can provide the treatment and guidance needed to support long-term sobriety and a healthy lifestyle.
Treatment & Rehab Services Offered | |

Substance abuse was something I never expected to be an issue in my life. When I finally figured out that it was, I was lucky enough to get help from Essense 12-Step recovery in Corona, California. Thanks to the diversity they offer in both mental health and substance abuse I was able to find just the right assistance for me. Through the detox program followed by learning how to maintain a drug free life, they were able to help me find my way again and put me back in charge of my own life.