Sober Point Center


Top Rated Rehab Facility

Little Rock, AR Addiction Treatment

Rehab Facility Address Mailing Address
6701 Young Road Ste. A
Little Rock AR Arkansas, 72209

Same Mailing Address.

Sometimes people need additional added help and support when they're working toward their spiritual path of recovery from alcoholism. Many people have had a drinking problem for years before they seek help and there are also people who are dependent on drugs and alcohol at the same time. If your path of recovery includes Alcoholics Anonymous 12 step support program and you still need added help and guidance, Sober Point Center in Little Rock, Arkansas can provide what you need.

Sober Point Center

Sober Point Center is a 12 step outpatient alcohol addiction treatment program that helps adult men and women who are ready to find their spiritual recovery path, so they can work toward long term sobriety. Group support programs like Alcoholics Anonymous has helped thousands of men and women stay sober and make changes in their life that they never thought possible. A person's recovery has to be worked on and managed every day, hope, support and strength is given and received by group members which helps to maintain sobriety.

Sober Point Center basis their treatment philosophy on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous providing daily 12 step support group meetings and classes to help with understanding the Principles and Steps of AA. Sometimes a person needs extra help and guidance because their drinking problem has affected their relationships, career or has caused legal problems. Sober Point Center is staffed with experienced licensed counselors who are skilled in addiction and provide help and guidance to the individual and their loved ones if necessary.

The staff at Sober Point Center encourages their clients to also attend extra 12 step meetings in their local area if additional support is needed during rough times, and to continue attending when their outpatient treatment is completed. Because many of their clients also have problems with drugs, Narcotics Anonymous meetings are also encouraged for those in need of extra guidance and support during their recovery.

A person's recovery from alcoholism or drug addiction has to be managed every single day because addiction is an illness that doesn't just go away. Each day gets a little easier when you're working through the 12 steps of AA or NA as long as you take it one day at a time and apply the steps in your daily life. At Sober Point Center you can? learn to understand how the 12 Steps work, receive healthy support and strength from their staff and other clients, maintain your sobriety and work toward your spiritual healing from alcoholism.

Treatment & Rehab Services Offered
  • Adolescents
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Residential short-term treatment
  • Outpatient
  • Women
  • ASL or other assistance for hearing impaired
  • Private health insurance
  • Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders
  • Methadone detoxification
  • Detoxification
  • Mix of mental health and substance abuse services
  • Partial hospitalization/day treatment
  • Residential beds for client's children
  • Self payment
  • Persons with HIV/AIDS
  • Medicare
  • DUI/DWI offenders
  • State financed insurance
  • Military insurance
  • Payment assistance
  • Halfway house
  • General health services
  • Seniors/older adults
  • Criminal justice clients
  • Pregnant/postpartum women
  • Men
  • Hospital inpatient
  • Residential long-term treatment
  • Substance abuse treatment services
  • Medicaid
  • Gays and Lesbians
  • Methadone maintenance
  • Mental health services
  • Spanish

Free 24 Hour Support and Placement Assistance - 800-839-1663

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