Bateman Outpatient Addiction Facility


Top Rated Rehab Facility

Sumter, SC Addiction Treatment

Rehab Facility Address Mailing Address
221 West Liberty Street Suite F
Sumter SC South Carolina, 29150

Same Mailing Address.

There are various forms of addiction that has a negative impact on a person's life but most people associate dependency with alcohol or drug abuse. Other forms of addiction like gambling, shopping, computer, and binge eating can affect a person's life to the point that their mental and physical health is compromised too. Some behavioral addictions may not affect a person's physical health in the same way alcohol or drug abuse does but when we have compulsive behaviors we're unable to control it affects our lives and keeps us from being truly happy.

Bateman Outpatient Addiction Facility for Behavioral Addictions

Compulsive gambling and food addiction are more common than you may think and there are a vast amount of people addicted to shopping, gaming, porn, sex and the internet too. No matter what addictive behavior a person is suffering from, it has a negative impact on their life one way or another. That's where Bateman Outpatient Addiction Facility in South Carolina can help. Their professional therapists specialize in behavioral addictions such as compulsive gambling addiction, shopping addiction, binge eating and food addiction, sex addiction, and computer addiction. They know the necessary steps a person has to take in order to change unhealthy behaviors. Their clients are able to modify their thinking and actions once they understand the negative effects their behavior addiction has on their life.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral Therapy is provided for adolescents, young adults and older adults at Bateman Outpatient Addiction Facility to help people with various forms of addiction get to the root of their addictive behaviors and develop effective ways of managing them. There are many different reasons why a person becomes dependent on gambling, food, shopping, sex and other addictive behaviors and until they recognize and understand them, the addiction continues to get worse.

Professional Behavioral Therapists at Bateman Outpatient Addiction Facility understands the negative impact compulsive gambling has on a person as well as their families and how binge eating affects a person's emotional and physical health. Many young people are addicted to the internet and gaming and sit in front of a computer or video game for hours on end day after day which can affect them academically, socially and physically due to lack of exercise and poor nutrition.

Emotional Withdrawal

It's not easy stopping a behavioral addiction unless we recognize the negative impact the behavior is having on our life. It's also very common for a person to experience depression, anxiousness, frustration, and even anger when they're making positive changes in their life and receiving help for their addictive behavior. Therapists at Bateman Outpatient Addiction Facility help their clients recognize how their addictive behavior is negatively affecting their life. They also work their client's individually to develop ways of managing their addiction and the stressful emotional feelings experienced when they're making positive behavioral changes. It's easy to fall back into old habits if we don't have a strategy worked out to prevent a relapse.

No matter what form of behavioral addiction a person has, their uncontrollable compulsive behavior has a negative impact on their lives. Just like chemical addiction, most people are in denial of their behavioral addiction and don't realize the extent their addictive behavior is having on their life or their loved ones lives. For more than 15 years Bateman Outpatient Addiction Facility has been helping their clients not only recognize their addictive behaviors but learn how to successfully managing them in the future so they can lead happy productive lives.

Treatment & Rehab Services Offered
  • Detoxification
  • Partial hospitalization/day treatment
  • Women
  • Residential long-term treatment
  • Residential short-term treatment
  • Medicaid
  • Persons with HIV/AIDS
  • Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders
  • Methadone detoxification
  • Payment assistance
  • Men
  • Outpatient
  • Mental health services
  • Mix of mental health and substance abuse services
  • Self payment
  • Hospital inpatient
  • Criminal justice clients
  • Residential beds for client's children
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • ASL or other assistance for hearing impaired
  • Seniors/older adults
  • Gays and Lesbians
  • State financed insurance
  • Halfway house
  • DUI/DWI offenders
  • Medicare
  • Adolescents
  • Sliding fee scale
  • Spanish
  • Military insurance
  • Methadone maintenance
  • Substance abuse treatment services
  • Pregnant/postpartum women
  • General health services
  • Private health insurance

Free 24 Hour Support and Placement Assistance - 800-839-1663

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