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Aim Target Programs Inc
Top Rated Rehab Facility
Fort Myers, FL Addiction Treatment
Consequences caused from using drugs or alcohol can be very serious and sadly quite extensive. Fortunately effective substance abuse treatment can be a powerful tool in helping a person gain the ability to change their lives for the better. At Aim Target Programs Inc in Fort Meyers, Florida, drug and alcohol treatment services are high quality and effective.
Clients of Aim Target Programs receive confidential substance abuse treatment from expert professionals that are highly qualified. Their drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services are received in an outpatient setting. Their treatment services are good quality, highly effective, wide-ranging, and specifically client tailored.
Drug and alcohol services provided by Aim Target Programs can be obtained by individuals, court mandated individuals and employers and includes a wide array of specialized care. Quality programs include treatment for substance abuse and addiction, drug testing services, anger management treatment and help for victims of domestic violence.
Treatment & Rehab Services Offered | |

Free 24 Hour Support and Placement Assistance - 800-839-1663
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