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Van Hoose and Associates
Top Rated Rehab Facility
Lexington, KY Addiction Treatment
Life is full of challenges and sometimes stress and problems arise that need to be addressed and we need help working through them because we can't handle them on our own. Many of us also have had issues from our past that have never been addressed and dealt with such as abuse, loss of a loved one or grew up with a family member who had a substance abuse problem when we were young.
Mental health problems are extremely difficult to deal with on our own and we can't just take medication to make them better. We need to learn how to manage symptoms of bipolar disorder, depression and other mental health issues so that we can live healthy and happy lives. Sometimes people with mental health issues turn to substance use as their way of coping with symptoms which just makes them worse.
Van Hoose & Associates
In Lexington, Kentucky there's an out-patient counseling center called Van Hoose and Associates that provides high quality professional counseling to individuals, couples and some teens for a wide range of personal and mental health issues. They care about people and want to help them work through personal and emotional issues so they can improve their lives.
Clinicians at Van Hoose and Associates help people resolve problems, cope with the loss of a loved one, and cope with changes that take place in life. They provide counseling for couples, adult survivors of child abuse, adult children of alcoholics, and individuals recovering from substance abuse.
Mental Health Counseling
Van Hoose and Associates also provides mental health counseling to help people manage symptoms of depression, bipolar illness, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress, and personality disorders so they can improve their lives.
It's important to resolve problems, find closure and develop effective ways to deal with stress and mental health issues because worry, tension, pressures or trauma affects our overall health and well-being when we hold on to it. No matter what the issue is, if it's affecting our life or the life of someone we love and care about, we have to find a way to work through the issues and learn positive ways of coping and that's extremely difficult to do on our own sometimes. Seeking help and guidance from professional clinician's at Van Hoose and Associates is a step in the right direction and a choice you'll be glad you made.
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