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Choices of Louisiana Inc
Top Rated Rehab Facility
Alexandria, LA Addiction Treatment
People addicted to narcotic pain pills and other opioids such as heroin come from all walks of life and it's not an addiction that's easily overcome without professional treatment. Even though there's no magic cure for opiate addiction, people addicted to painkillers or other opioids can obtain a life free from substance abuse with proper treatment.
People 18 and above currently abusing narcotic pain pills, heroin or methadone due to an opioid addiction they've been battling for at least a year can begin their recovery journey with outpatient treatment from Choices of Louisiana.
Choices of Louisiana treatment services include a wide range of top quality medical services and rehabilitative care to assist opiate dependent individuals in changing unhealthy behaviors and living life free from substance abuse.
Choices provides methadone maintenance, suboxone services, medically assisted withdrawal, dual diagnosis treatment, treatment for pregnant women and counseling for individuals and their families. If you want to find freedom from opiate dependence that will last a lifetime, opioid addiction treatment services can be obtained from Choices in Alexandria, LaPlace and Northshore Louisiana.
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Free 24 Hour Support and Placement Assistance - 800-839-1663
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