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Hurley House
Recovery Home
Waltham, MA Addiction Treatment
When a person has had a drinking problem or has developed an addiction to drugs for any length of time, they have adapted to a whole new negative and destructive lifestyle. They haven't been living life responsibly for a long time and no longer know how to deal with life on a daily basis clean and sober. It's even hard for a recovering addict to reconnect with family and loved ones sometimes because recovery is a process that takes time and understanding.
It's very difficult for a person once they stop drinking or using drugs to start living life all of a sudden without them even if they have received professional help for their addiction. It doesn't matter if a person had been able to remain employed while they were abusing drugs or alcohol either, returning back to work isn't an easy thing to do. The stress is often extremely overwhelming and it can actually be harder than it was before sobriety to maintain a job at first, especially during the early days of recovery.
Hurley House Recovery Program for Men
The Hurley House in Waltham, Massachusetts provides men with a sober living environment during their early recovery from alcoholism or drug addiction and their male residents receive much more than a safe place to live. Hurley House also provides their residents with the additional help, guidance, life-skills and positive support they need while learning to adjust to living their daily life clean and sober.
Thousands of men have received help from the Hurley House since 1973 and today, they continue to help men successfully adapt to a healthy substance free way of life and guide them through daily challenges. Male residents that have met the specific criteria of the Hurley House Program live there for six months and are required to be employed full time and attend AA or NA recovery meetings during their stay.
The Hurley House recovery program provides a wide range of services for male residents and is a very safe living environment because complete abstinence is one of the requirements. Men receiving help from the Hurley House receive the individual guidance, education and support needed to improve their life and be productive and successful when on their own.
When a recovering addict has the chance to learn the skills they need to make healthy changes in their daily life and reconnect with family and loved ones while receiving positive support when making these changes and improvements, it greatly strengthens their overall long-term recovery success.
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