Harbor Hall


Petoskey, MI Addiction Treatment

Rehab Facility Address Mailing Address
704 Emmet Street
Petoskey MI Michigan, 49770
704 Emmet Street
P.O. Box 805
Petoskey MI Michigan, 49770-0805

Languages: English, ASL or other assistance for hearing impaired

If you're seeking affordable yet high quality treatment for substance abuse or chemical dependency in Michigan, you'll receive excellent care when obtaining help from Harbor Hall. Located in Petoskey, Harbor Hall is recognized as an outstanding alcohol and drug treatment center throughout the Midwest and is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).

Harbor Hall is staffed with compassionate highly skilled professionals that are recovering addicts themselves so they understand addiction and what their clients are going through. Harbor Hall provides numerous levels of cost effective treatment services for substance use disorders. Individualized assessments help to determine the client's treatment needs and the level of care they should receive for them to reach and maintain a healthy recovery. Levels of care at Harbor Hall include:

  1. Sub-Acute Detoxification Services
  2. Outpatient Treatment Services
  3. Long-Term Residential Treatment
  4. Transitional Living Residence
  5. Health Professionals Recovery Program includes both inpatient and outpatient treatment services

Harbor Hall provides outstanding substance abuse treatment services so if you're in need of help for an alcohol or drug use problem, they'll provide you with affordable and excellent high quality care.

Treatment & Rehab Services Offered
  • Self payment
  • ASL or other assistance for hearing impaired
  • Substance abuse treatment services
  • Halfway house
  • Residential short-term treatment
  • Detoxification
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders
  • Residential long-term treatment
  • Medicaid

Free 24 Hour Support and Placement Assistance - 800-839-1663

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