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Featured Rehab Centers
Cocaine Group Support and Treatment Center
Fresno, CA
(802) 277-3346
Calhoun Cocaine Intervention & Recovery
Canaan, VT
(951) 547-1649
Essense 12-Step Recovery
Corona, CA
(888) 595-0235
Alo House Recovery Centers
Malibu, CA
Carnage Individual & Family Therapy
San Francisco, CA
Cocaine Anonymous

Who Answers?
Cocaine is still a popular drug that's abused because of the intense effects the individual experiences when they use the drug. Many people choose to inject cocaine or smoke crack cocaine because it gets into the bloodstream a lot faster and the 'high' is more intense this way. Unfortunately cocaine is very addictive and there are many serious health risks involved for anyone who uses this potent stimulant drug.
Fortunately there's a fellowship of men and women called Cocaine Anonymous (CA) that helps people recover from this addiction. As long as you have the desire to stop using cocaine and any other mind-altering substance Cocaine Anonymous can make a difference in your life. Members of CA are able to offer hope and strength to each other because they understand cocaine addiction so they know what each other is going through. They also know what it takes to stop using cocaine and other substances in order to reach sobriety.
Supporting one another helps members stay free from using cocaine when utilizing the Twelve Step recovery method. Cocaine Anonymous is a program of recovery for cocaine users and was adapted from the Alcoholics Anonymous program in 1935. It was important to have a program available for addicts looking for answers associated with their own addictions. Addicts need to be able to share, support and learn from others who understand and are going through the same thing.
It doesn't cost anything to attend a Cocaine Anonymous Meeting nor do they require dues or membership fees. CA is able to support themselves through their own contributions. The most important thing to Cocaine Anonymous members is to stay clean from using drugs like cocaine, crack cocaine and any other mind-altering substance and help others stay clean too.
The reason the Twelve Step Recovery Program is utilized is because it's been proven that it works. The Twelve Step method of recovery helps people addicted to cocaine and other mind altering drugs find their own personal path to freedom and recovery. The other wonderful thing is that you are not only helping yourself, you're helping others too and that's very important to members of CA, caring about others as well as yourself.
Choosing to stop using cocaine or any other mind altering drug isn't easy. When you're able to surround yourself with others who have been there and now are clean and actually grateful and happy, it gives you the hope and strength needed toward your own recovery. Attending CA meetings, listening to others, sharing with others, working through the CA Twelve Steps, and taking it one day at a time and sometimes 10 minutes at a time will lead YOU to the freedom you deserve.
Some people aren't sure if they need help or if they're addicted to cocaine, this is very common. Many people are in denial and just not convinced. Cocaine Anonymous has a CA Self-Test for cocaine addiction that can help you decide. There's no obligation to be a member of Cocaine Anonymous and it doesn't cost a dime. It's extremely hard to stop using drugs on your own, to stay motivated and stay positive. Cocaine Anonymous has helped thousands of people where you're at right now, just come to a meeting and decide for yourself.
Reseources & References
Drug Rehab & Detox Programs by State | |||
Alabama (256) 217-4276 |
Alaska (907) 268-4185 |
Arizona (623) 806-8786 |
Arkansas (479) 616-1610 |
California (408) 457-1891 |
Colorado (719) 694-2623 |
Connecticut (203) 909-6309 |
Delaware (302) 342-8851 |
District Of Columbia (202) 509-9590 |
Florida (386) 628-0303 |
Georgia (678) 466-7345 |
Guam (800) 315-2391 |
Hawaii (888) 565-6401 |
Idaho (208) 473-2876 |
Illinois (630) 352-3440 |
Indiana (219) 359-3270 |
Iowa (712) 266-3564 |
Kansas (785) 380-0231 |
Kentucky (270) 803-0012 |
Louisiana (337) 376-0116 |
Maine (207) 221-2169 |
Maryland (240) 681-1121 |
Massachusetts (978) 233-2133 |
Michigan (313) 887-0305 |
Minnesota (218) 206-8410 |
Mississippi (228) 207-0010 |
Missouri (816) 396-8714 |
Montana (406) 322-3268 |
Nebraska (402) 261-2768 |
Nevada (702) 487-3192 |
New Hampshire (603) 821-0294 |
New Jersey (973) 928-8755 |
New Mexico (505) 227-8586 |
New York (631) 350-7108 |
North Carolina (919) 238-4011 |
North Dakota (701) 355-6366 |
Ohio (440) 328-8123 |
Oklahoma (405) 253-5317 |
Oregon (541) 647-6418 |
Palau (888) 565-2297 |
Pennsylvania (724) 498-0421 |
Puerto Rico 866-923-1129 |
Rhode Island (401) 256-5113 |
South Carolina (843) 277-6472 |
South Dakota (605) 370-5086 |
Tennessee (615) 810-8423 |
Texas (817) 381-3219 |
Utah (435) 267-0140 |
Vermont (802) 428-4690 |
Virgin Islands (866) 693-4654 |
Virginia (757) 561-2606 |
Washington (253) 656-5735 |
West Virginia (304) 982-7023 |
Wisconsin (414) 375-2038 |
Wyoming (307) 222-0333 |
I can honestly say that Cocaine Anonymous saved my life. I'll never forget my first meeting. There were a lot of new people at the meeting so several of the people who had been coming for a while shared some words of encouragement. One of the men talked about his first meeting. He said he was high when he came to his first meeting. He had cocaine in his pocket. He used as soon as the meeting was over. He did the same thing the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day until one day he flushed his cocaine down the toilet after the meeting instead of using. He said it was okay if we used and that we'd still be welcomed at CA as long as we had a desire to stop using. He reminded us that the important thing for us to do was to keep coming back to CA.
Like that man, I had cocaine in my pocket during my first meeting. Also like that man I used after my first meeting. I felt like a failure and didn't feel like I deserved to go back to CA, but I remembered what that man said. I genuinely wanted to stop using so the next day I went back to CA. I used that day, too, but the next day I got rid of my cocaine and have been clean and sober ever since. I would never be sober without the help and support of CA.
Cocaine Anonymous works if you work the program. I was clean and sober for nearly 10 years because I followed the steps and worked with a sponsor. Then, one day I had a horrible day at work. My boss yelled at me for something I can't even remember. I drove home as fast as I could, looked up my dealer's number, bought cocaine and used that night. Instead of calling my sponsor like I knew I should have, I decided I would enjoy being high and just go back to a meeting the next day. When the next day came, I decided to get high again instead of going to a meeting. My sponsor called repeatedly to check up on me, but I never picked up the phone or returned his calls.
After being perpetually high for almost six months I was charged with a DUI. That was the wake-up call I needed. I got back into Cocaine Anonymous that day. I worked the steps and got a sponsor. I've been clean and sober ever since. I value my sobriety more than I ever have before. I know that I have to go to a meeting every single day and talk to my sponsor just as often to protect the sobriety I've fought so hard for. I promised myself the day I went back to Cocaine Anonymous that if I ever slip up again the very first thing I'll do is call my sponsor. Right after that I'll go to a meeting.