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Featured Rehab Centers
(803) 720-5204
Hillside Spiritual Addiction Support Group
Columbia, SC
(803) 675-5067
Greenwood Gambling Help
Clover, SC
Alcohol & Drug Addiction El Monte
El Cajon, CA
(802) 428-4690
Hyams Outpatient Heroin Therapy
Bellows Falls, VT
(209) 230-9522
Recovery Treatment Center
Merced, CA
SMART Recovery

Who Answers?
SMART Recovery helps people recover from all types of addiction and addictive behaviors. These addictions and behaviors include alcoholism, drug abuse, drug addiction, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, and addiction to other substances and activities.
SMART Recovery is a support group that offers their participants the tools for recovery from addiction that are based on the latest scientific research. They participate in a world-wide community that includes free, self-empowering, secular and science based mutual support groups. SMART Recovery isn't a 12 Step group like AA or NA. SMART stands for self-management and recovery training and this recovery has a scientific foundation, not a spiritual one.
This recovery program is a nationwide nonprofit organization that offers free support groups to individuals who desire to gain independence from any type of addictive behavior. There is also a free internet message board discussion group. Their program currently sponsors over 600 face to face meetings around the world and over 18 online meetings a week. SMART Recovery also has an online message board. This is a great way to learn about their recovery program. The message board is a forum that's not only used for information but for recovery support too.
SMART Recovery is a 4-Point Program that offers tools and techniques for each program point. The program points include:
- Point 1
Enhancing and Maintaining Motivation to Abstain
- Point 2
- Coping with Urges
- Point 3
- Managing Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior (Problem Solving)
- Point 4
- Balancing Momentary and Enduring Satisfactions (Lifestyle Balance)
To find out more about SMART Recovery go to Frequently Asked Questions about Smart Recovery
SMART Recovery also has help for family and friends. This is a science based secular alternative to Al-Anon and Johnson Intervention. Every Monday night there is a Family and Friends Online Support Meeting that addresses specific issues encountered when a friend or family member tries to reach out and help a loved one that's affected by addiction.
Reseources & References
Drug Rehab & Detox Programs by State | |||
Alabama (256) 217-4276 |
Alaska (907) 268-4185 |
Arizona (623) 806-8786 |
Arkansas (479) 616-1610 |
California (408) 457-1891 |
Colorado (719) 694-2623 |
Connecticut (203) 909-6309 |
Delaware (302) 342-8851 |
District Of Columbia (202) 509-9590 |
Florida (386) 628-0303 |
Georgia (678) 466-7345 |
Guam (800) 315-2391 |
Hawaii (888) 565-6401 |
Idaho (208) 473-2876 |
Illinois (630) 352-3440 |
Indiana (219) 359-3270 |
Iowa (712) 266-3564 |
Kansas (785) 380-0231 |
Kentucky (270) 803-0012 |
Louisiana (337) 376-0116 |
Maine (207) 221-2169 |
Maryland (240) 681-1121 |
Massachusetts (978) 233-2133 |
Michigan (313) 887-0305 |
Minnesota (218) 206-8410 |
Mississippi (228) 207-0010 |
Missouri (816) 396-8714 |
Montana (406) 322-3268 |
Nebraska (402) 261-2768 |
Nevada (702) 487-3192 |
New Hampshire (603) 821-0294 |
New Jersey (973) 928-8755 |
New Mexico (505) 227-8586 |
New York (631) 350-7108 |
North Carolina (919) 238-4011 |
North Dakota (701) 355-6366 |
Ohio (440) 328-8123 |
Oklahoma (405) 253-5317 |
Oregon (541) 647-6418 |
Palau (888) 565-2297 |
Pennsylvania (724) 498-0421 |
Puerto Rico 866-923-1129 |
Rhode Island (401) 256-5113 |
South Carolina (843) 277-6472 |
South Dakota (605) 370-5086 |
Tennessee (615) 810-8423 |
Texas (817) 381-3219 |
Utah (435) 267-0140 |
Vermont (802) 428-4690 |
Virgin Islands (866) 693-4654 |
Virginia (757) 561-2606 |
Washington (253) 656-5735 |
West Virginia (304) 982-7023 |
Wisconsin (414) 375-2038 |
Wyoming (307) 222-0333 |
I was working hard to become a nurse when addiction just snuck up on me. I was so tired trying to study while taking care of my family that I needed something to keep me awake and help me do better during tests. Before long I wasn't just using drugs to stay awake but I was using them so that I didn't suffer the crash of not using them. I was spending every time I had on drugs so that I could stay on top of my addiction and so that nobody would know. Inside a year I was failing my classes because I was spending all my time trying to score my next drug high.
My family barely saw me and my kids didn't understand why I didn't want to be there. It took my daughter getting very ill and my never even knowing that she was in the hospital for a week to get me to ask for some help. Thanks to Smart recovery I was able to find the tools I needed to work each day to stay clean. They gave me the support I needed to make it through one day at a time. My sponsor has been great about being there when I need him and he is always a great source of information. Smart Recovery has put me back on the right road to my life. I'm learning to balance my career goals and my family to keep me from falling back into addictive habits.
SMART Recovery is one of the best support groups I have ever been a part of and there have been a lot. They offer something no other has have been able to do. They give me the tools I need to see where my addiction might take over my life again. Thanks to the online meetings they can offer me I have no excuse for missing a meeting. This means that I can get help with my addiction to alcohol when I need it at a moment's notice. This is a big deal if I want to continue to build my life. I try to stay busy and it can be hard to find the time to go to a meeting. If I can't make one locally I can always find one online to help me. They work on self management skills and recovery training in a way that no other has. I lost my wife and nearly lost the ability to visit with my kids before I found SMART Recovery. I had destroyed my career and my finances were a mess.
Once I got started with SMART Recovery, I was able to stay in touch with my sponsor every step of the way. Because the program is free it fits into my lifestyle easily. I can focus on staying on track and becoming a stronger person for my kids and myself. I will always have someone to turn to when I am afraid of turning back to alcohol for the support I need.